Increase Your ROI ( Return on Investment ) with Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Discover How

November 29, 2023, admin

Businesses always search for effective ways to connect with their clients through loyalty programs, email marketing, audience building, engaging content, or advertising. But, they face challenges like limited staff and tighter budgets. With economic uncertainties, marketers are pressured to boost sales, enhance efficiency, and cut costs while meeting customers’ digital-first expectations.

Reports show that companies using Salesforce Marketing Cloud see a 43% increase in Return on Investment (ROI) and a 44% rise in lead volume compared to those using other tools.

What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) is a comprehensive digital marketing platform. It gives marketers a complete view of their audience, leading to better-personalized engagement across all marketing channels. According to a study, organizations using SFMC experienced a composite ROI of 299% over three years.

The Payback:

  • Generated incremental revenue of over $5 million across different channels.
  • Improved site conversion rates by over 60% in the third year.
  • Increased the average order value by 35% in year three.
  • Saved 60% of time creating and running marketing campaigns.
  • Reduced post-campaign reporting efforts by 90%.

Key Features of Salesforce Marketing Cloud:

Social Studio:

  • Manage social media connections.
  • Schedule and publish posts.
  • Track performance and monitor brand mentions.

Email Studio:

  • Generate, design, send, and monitor email campaigns.
  • Use pre-built templates and automate campaigns.

Journey Builder:

  • Create custom customer journeys through email, mobile, or social media.

Analytics Builder:

  • Monitor and evaluate customer data and campaign performance.

Advertising Studio:

  • Streamline advertising campaigns on search engines or social media.

Content Builder:

  • Create and manage creative content in one location.

Mobile Studio:

  • Send SMS, in-app messages, and push notifications.

Contact Builder:

  • Optimize contact management and data utilization.

How to Maximize Your ROI with SFMC:

Automated Campaigns:

  • Use automation to trigger campaigns based on customer actions.

Audience Segmentation:

  • Categorize target audience based on demographics for targeted campaigns.

Monitor Campaign Performance:

  • Use analytics to track and improve campaign performance in real time.

Multi-channel Marketing:

  • Reach the target audience via multiple channels for increased engagement.

Predictive Intelligence:

  • Identify and follow up with prospective leads efficiently.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud – A revolution

Salesforce Marketing Cloud uses cloud technology to connect seamlessly with your clients in real time. It evaluates your marketing campaigns’ effectiveness and provides instant feedback on customer preferences, allowing you to customize your content accordingly.

Strategies to Transform Your Marketing Journey:

Below are some techniques to change your marketing journey:

Surprise Your Customers with Personalization:

Personalization is crucial for campaign success as it improves business profitability and helps understand the right customers. SFMC assists in creating triggers and customized messages to guide prospects toward making a purchase.

Leverage Customer Data for Insights:

SFMC provides valuable insights into customer behavior, allowing you to generate targeted content that meets their goals. Its reports & analytics capabilities help predict future activities, keeping you ahead.

Establishing a Single Source of Truth:

SFMC empowers you to create a comprehensive view of your customers by uniting customer profiles, user data, marketing campaigns, and privacy management. Based on a standard ID, integrated profiles provide a personalized and seamless experience, offering your clients a single source of truth.

Encourage Customers to Guide Your Business:

SFMC improves customer satisfaction by automatically fine-tuning based on signals from key accounts. This information lets you adjust your message tone to keep your clients happy and engaged, making the marketing journey more effective and meaningful.

Use Cases:

  • Life Time Fitness:

We implemented SFMC to modernize email marketing campaigns, resulting in a 154% ROI, an average annual benefit of $608,297, and a payback time of 9 months.

  • Amplify Credit Union:

We implemented SFMC to replace a decentralized system, leading to a 1079% ROI, an average annual benefit of $2,784,792, and a payback time of 16 weeks.


SFMC allows you to engage with your customers at any stage of their journey. Expert assistance from Vivek is crucial to introducing this solution to your business. As a Salesforce consulting services company with over a decade of rich industry experience and with our Salesforce Professional Resources, we can help you. Contact us today to elevate your marketing strategy or see our clients’ reviews on Fiverr.