Salesforce NPSP Implementation for a NGO

December 6, 2023, admin

About The Company:

Our client is a climate charity based in the United Kingdom. The organization’s primary mission is to empower communities, groups, and individuals to engage with local politicians and advocate for urgent action on climate change. They envision a world where communities and elected representatives unite to take decisive actions in combating climate change.

Customer Challenges:

The client faced several challenges due to their reliance on legacy systems. These challenges included:

Inefficient Administrative Processes: Legacy systems consume a significant amount of administrative time. Manual data entry and management were the norm, leading to a high administrative workload and increased chances of errors.

Lack of Insights: The existing systems needed to provide more insight into the effectiveness of its fundraising and lobbying efforts. With a structured approach to tracking lobbying activities, the organization could understand what was working and what was not.

Inadequate Lobbying Tracking: As a charity focusing on climate change, lobbying was a core aspect of their activities. The organization needed a system to track and analyze its lobbying efforts, including messages, responses, and voting records, which were unavailable in its legacy systems.


To address these challenges, we planned to transform their operations by implementing Salesforce’s Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP). The implementation addressed The following key areas:

Deployed the Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP): Installed the ‘Nonprofit Success Pack’ Managed package into our Salesforce CRM. After securing the necessary permissions, we configured it to meet our specific requirements through the SOAP API. Upon completing the configuration, we were prepared to initiate the NPSP. Accessed the NPSP by logging into Salesforce and selecting the app launcher icon on the dashboard. Subsequently, we conducted a quick search for ‘Nonprofit Success Pack’ to open the application and commence utilizing its features.

Prepared Reports and Dashboards: Generated custom reports and analytics dashboards using the REST API to gain in-depth insights and monitor programmatic data trends.

Cooperated on User Training: Conducted comprehensive end-user training sessions for their staff, ensuring they possessed the skills to proficiently utilize Salesforce NPSP.


The implementation of Salesforce NPSP resulted in a transformative change for the client. The top results of this implementation were:

Unified Platform: The client now has a single platform streamlining their entire operation, covering fundraising, program management, grant administration, and lobbying efforts. This integration eliminated the need for multiple disconnected systems.

Automated Workflows: The new workflows and automation within NPSP significantly reduced manual tasks and administrative overhead. This allowed staff to focus on more strategic and value-added activities.

Deeper Insights: With the custom lobbying module and reporting capabilities, the client gained deeper insights into the effectiveness of their lobbying initiatives. They can now measure and analyze the impact of their efforts and make data-driven decisions.

Efficiency and Effectiveness: Overall, the Salesforce NPSP implementation enhanced client operations’ efficiency and effectiveness. The organization can now better fulfill its mission of advocating for climate action and empowering communities to engage with their elected representatives.

Final Words:

The adoption of Salesforce NPSP has provided the client with a comprehensive, tailored solution that meets their needs. The transition has allowed them to focus on their core mission of addressing climate change by improving their fundraising, program management, and, most importantly, their lobbying efforts. CloudCache Consulting, with its rich Salesforce Professional Resources, has again proved that Salesforce Implementation can catalyze positive change in nonprofit organizations committed to making a difference in their communities and the world. Check our Past work on Upwork before contacting us.