Salesforce Experience Cloud Implementation for a Scientific Non-Profit

December 15, 2023, admin

About The Company:

Our customer, a prominent scientific non-profit organization, boasts a vast global presence with a diverse membership spanning over 100 countries. As a leading publisher of scientific information, their mission encompasses networking opportunities for members, support for educational initiatives, and fostering connections within the scientific community.

Customer Challenges:

The client was facing several challenges, including :

Disparate Systems and Diverse Programs

The customer grappled with the intricacies of multiple systems used in their daily operations, complicating tasks related to chapters, technical divisions, reporting, events, nominations, and awards. The coexistence of offline and system-based programs added complexity.

Lengthy Process Turnaround Time

One of their programs, the internship application process, needed more efficiency. Offline workflows necessitated extensive manual effort, multi-level reviews, and lacked a streamlined system for efficient decision-making.

Data Duplication and High Maintenance Costs

Data inconsistencies and duplication arose from using separate systems for activities across multiple chapters and committees. The need for data synchronization between isolated systems contributed to high maintenance costs and laborious upkeep.


We assessed the whole with collaboration with their in-premises team and then decided to implement Salesforce Experience Cloud for them.

Some highlighted solutions were:

Salesforce Experience Cloud Implementation

The customer’s challenges were effectively addressed by implementing the Salesforce Experience Cloud.

To implement Salesforce’s Experience Cloud, we start by logging into our Salesforce account and navigating to the Setup page, typically found in the top-right corner of the screen. Here, we access the core configuration settings.

Within the Settings menu, we delve into “Feature Setting,” which might be categorized as “Build” or “Administer.” This step allows us to explore the feature settings related to our Experience Cloud.

Next, under Feature Settings, we find “Experience Cloud” and click on it. This action takes us to the Experience Cloud settings page, where we can further customize our Experience Cloud.

Having reached the Experience Cloud settings page, we must enable the relevant licenses and features for our implementation. To do this, we follow the prompts and instructions on the settings page, making choices that align with our specific needs and requirements.

Once we’ve enabled the necessary licenses and features, it’s important to review the available configuration settings. These settings allow us to establish global parameters for our Experience Cloud implementation. This includes defining the default language, setting security guidelines, and configuring community preferences to suit our organization’s needs.

After configuring the Experience Cloud settings, we save the modifications we’ve made. It’s worth noting that the changes won’t take effect immediately. The system needs to apply these modifications, after which Experience Cloud will become fully active for our Salesforce company.

After this, we created a Community, Setup Community Builder, community access, and Defined User Profiles and Roles, objects, fields, Community Components, and Pages. Lastly, we tested and published it. Finally, we implemented it with the client’s legacy system.

Unified UI and Integrations

A unified UI approach was adopted, with Lightning Web Components (LWC) ensuring consistency across all applications. Integrations were established using middleware (Mulesoft) and REST-based methods, facilitating data exchange and business use cases.


These implementation results were outstanding for the client. Notable results were.

Unified Data and Improved Consistency

By hosting all programs in Salesforce, data duplication efforts were eliminated, and data consistency was greatly improved. CRM data shared across various programs enhanced overall data quality and accuracy.

Consistent User Experience

Implementing a custom theme and style across all customer communities ensured a uniform look and feel, enhancing the user experience and usability.

Enhanced Reusability and Reduced Maintenance Costs

Consolidating UI and backend components across different sites maximized reusability, significantly reducing maintenance efforts and costs. The customer experienced improved productivity and streamlined technology stack management.

Key Stats:

  • Data duplication was reduced by 60%.
  • Maintenance costs decreased by 45%.
  • 30% improvement in user satisfaction scores.
  • 40% increase in program efficiency and turnaround times.

Tools and Technology:

Salesforce Experience Cloud, Lightning Web Components, APIs

Final Words:

The implementation of Salesforce Experience Cloud by CloudCache Consulting transformed the customer’s operations by addressing their significant challenges, resulting in streamlined processes, reduced costs, and improved user experiences. This case study illustrates how much our Salesforce Professional Resources can have a profound impact on organizations, fostering greater efficiency and effectiveness in their business operations. Read our clients’ reviews on Upwork.