Utilizing Salesforce Marketing Cloud to Increase Patient and Provider Engagement

December 18, 2023, admin

About The Company:

Our client is a prominent player in Arizona’s clinical laboratory testing industry, conducting over 97 million diagnostic tests annually. Recognized as a leader, the company plays a crucial role in the healthcare ecosystem, offering comprehensive lab services.

Customer Challenges:

The client faced significant operational challenges, particularly in manual procedures, patient engagement, intake, and provider interactions. The reliance on disparate spreadsheets could have helped efficiency but created obstacles to delivering personalized and timely communications.


In a strategic partnership with us, the client embraced Salesforce Marketing Cloud to revamp their digital marketing strategy. The goal was to replace manual processes and eliminate spreadsheet dependency, creating a unified platform for a comprehensive 360-degree view of patients and providers.

Results Achieved

Personalized Patient Experience:

Leveraging Marketing Cloud, client-initiated patient journeys based on attitudinal segmentation.

Tailored messages were sent to proactive patients, emphasizing available tools and tests, while more avoidant patients received encouragement and knowledge to guide them toward a proactive health approach.

Streamlined Provider Engagement:

Overhauling business processes, client transitioned from using Outlook and spreadsheets to managing provider relationships through data and marketing automation.

The consolidation of seven disparate spreadsheets into a single engagement platform significantly improved the efficiency of tracking and nurturing provider relationships.

Accelerated Onboarding and Engagement:

Marketing Cloud expedited the onboarding of providers into client’s offerings.

First touchpoints with providers reduced from 2-3 weeks to an impressive 2-3 days, enhancing the overall engagement process.

Client Conversions and Automation:

The implementation of Marketing Cloud contributed to increased new client conversions to provider portal users.

Manual tracking of providers in spreadsheets was eliminated, automating processes and improving accuracy.

Persona-Driven Marketing:

Client now employs persona-driven marketing, effectively meeting patients at various points in their healthcare journey.

Final Words:

The collaboration between the client and us, powered by Salesforce Marketing Cloud, addressed critical pain points and revolutionized patient and provider engagement. The successful implementation led to personalized communication, faster engagement, increased client conversions, and the automation of previously manual processes. The client’s commitment to leveraging innovative solutions demonstrates its dedication to providing enhanced healthcare experiences for patients and providers.