Salesforce Cloud Implementation for a Food Company

December 18, 2023, admin

About The Company:

Our client, a titan in the food industry, boasts a diverse portfolio of iconic brands such as Act II Popcorn and Wolf Brand Chili. With $11 billion in revenue, 18,000 employees, and almost a century of history, the company faced challenges due to fragmented business operations.

Customer Challenges:

The client’s Retail and Food Service divisions operated independently, resulting in duplicated efforts, poor communication, and lost sales opportunities.
The client’s challenges included disconnected operations across sales, service, and marketing channels. Separate business units and disjointed communication led to inefficiencies, duplicated efforts, and missed sales opportunities.


We collaborated with the client to implement Salesforce Cloud services as the backbone for its transformation. The solution involved a scalable Salesforce Cloud implementation designed to handle clients’ frequent brand acquisitions and divestitures. The focus was on unifying sales, service, and marketing through a robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.

Scalable Implementation: The client’s Salesforce Cloud implementation was designed for scalability, accommodating changes in brand portfolios, and ensuring a resilient system.

Real-Time Customer Engagement: Leveraging Salesforce Cloud services, the client aimed to connect directly and deeply with customers. The CRM system provided salespeople with valuable insights before sales calls, and the platform became the foundation for marketing and service teams to collaborate effectively.

Simplified and Accessible CRM: Throughout the process, simplicity and ease of management were prioritized to minimize disruption to the client’s customer base and enhance the productivity of sales, service, and marketing teams.


Client successfully integrated its Retail and Food Service groups on Salesforce Cloud within nine months. The results, evident shortly after the engagement concluded, showcased significant achievements:

Unified Operations: The integration eliminated duplicate and conflicting data issues, ensuring that sales, service, and marketing teams were unified and working cohesively.

Sales Efficiency Gains: Within two weeks of going live, 100 percent of the client’s sales organization, comprising nearly 500 users, was onboarded.

Service Excellence: The service team utilized Salesforce Cloud to handle 55,000 cases based on customer inquiries, with an impressive 87 percent successfully closed.

Deeper Customer Insights: The marketing team migrated over 8.5 million consumer records to Salesforce, gaining more profound and personal insights into the client’s customer base. This informed a more targeted advertising strategy and strengthened the company’s customer connection.

Final Words:

The client’s collaboration with us and the implementation of Salesforce Cloud marked a transformative journey, providing the company with newfound clarity, operational efficiency, and unparalleled insights into its customer base. The success of this initiative underscores the importance of a unified CRM system in fostering seamless collaboration across sales, service, and marketing functions, ultimately enhancing customer engagement and driving business growth.