Salesforce map implementation for a telecom firm

December 14, 2023, admin

About The Company :

Our client is a leading global integrated communication and entertainment service provider catering to businesses and consumers. As one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies, they continually strive to optimize their operations and services.

Customer Challenges :
The client, faced with managing a substantial field team of sales representatives, encountered hurdles in maximizing field productivity and ensuring effective territory management across the organization. Existing issues included:

Field Productivity and Efficiency: Sales representatives spent valuable time manually searching for data, locating visits, and handling administrative tasks, diverting their focus from core sales activities.

Extensive Territory Management: As the number of field reps grew, the complexity and time consumption associated with managing territories and distributing leads escalated.

Salesforce Adoption: The fast-paced nature of door-to-door sales made it challenging for reps to efficiently access and utilize Salesforce, resulting in low adoption rates and missed opportunities.


To tackle these challenges head-on, our strategy involved implementing Salesforce Map, a solution leveraging mapping capabilities to enhance field productivity, territory management, and overall Salesforce adoption. Key implemented solutions included:

Addressing Field Productivity: Installing the Salesforce Maps managed package in both sandbox and production environments, configuring field sets, creating Maps layers, and monitoring user adoption through custom reports.

Territory Management: Installing and configuring Salesforce Maps, creating data sets report types, and conducting training sessions for effective territory management.

Enhancing User Proficiency: Conduct training sessions on map layer creation, routes, schedules, and mobile guidance to empower sales reps with the necessary skills.


The implementation of Salesforce Map yielded significant improvements:

Enhanced Field Productivity: Mobile access to Salesforce data eliminated manual tasks, allowing reps to focus on sales activities and boosting overall productivity.

Streamlined Territory Management: The map-based interface facilitated batch reassignment of leads, improving efficiency in lead distribution within designated territories.

Improved Salesforce Adoption: Sales reps found it easier to register visits, update outcomes, and identify leads within Salesforce, leading to increased usage and data accuracy.


The successful implementation of Salesforce Map transformed our client’s field operations, elevating Salesforce adoption and empowering sales reps. This strategic move increased sales revenue and customer satisfaction, positioning our client in a competitive market. For more details on our past projects, visit our Upwork and Fiverr profiles.