Streamlining Omni-channel Ecommerce Operations for a ecommerce client with Zoho inventory

March 4, 2024, admin

About The Company:

Our client is an online ecommerce retailer .

Customer Challenges:

The client encountered several problems in their ecommerce current operations and in their websites, such as:

  • Order Tracking Complexity: Managing orders across multiple ecommerce websites led to difficulties in tracking orders accurately. This resulted in order mistakes and missed shipments, causing dissatisfaction among customers.
  • Inventory Management Issues: Inaccurate inventory levels across websites led to customers ordering products that were out of stock, impacting customer satisfaction and sales.
  • Lack of Centralized Order View: The absence of a centralized platform to view all orders made it challenging for the client to monitor order statuses and run analytics on sales data efficiently.


We devised a comprehensive solution to address the client’s challenges. Implemented solutions were:

  • Integration with Zoho CRM and Zoho Inventory: We seamlessly integrated all of the client’s ecommerce websites with Zoho CRM and Zoho Inventory. This integration facilitated automatic order syncing from websites to the CRM, ensuring real-time visibility of orders.
  • Real-time Inventory Updates: The integration enabled accurate inventory management across all websites, preventing customers from ordering out-of-stock products.
  • Centralized Order Management: By consolidating order data within Zoho CRM, the client gained a centralized platform to view and manage all orders efficiently.
  • Automated Shipping Process: We automated the shipping process, ensuring that orders marked as “packed” were promptly sent to the shipping provider, minimizing the risk of missed shipments.


The implementation of our custom Zoho CRM solution yielded significant results for our client, including:

  • Reduced Order Errors: The client experienced a drastic decrease in order mistakes and refund requests, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Improved Inventory Management: With accurate inventory tracking, the client gained better control over their inventory levels, mitigating out-of-stock issues.
  • Enhanced Analytics: The client could now run analytics on sales data more effectively, enabling them to identify top-selling products and make informed business decisions.

Final Words:

The successful integration of ecommerce websites with Zoho CRM and Zoho Inventory by us has empowered the client to streamline their ecommerce operations efficiently. Businesses struggling with similar challenges can benefit from our expertise in optimizing ecommerce processes. Contact us today to transform your ecommerce operations and unlock growth opportunities.